

Support Quiet Time 100

…A Great Cloud of Witnesses… 如云彩般见证….

“Together with the reading material, it helps me to think more while I read the bible. I always missed the key point in the past as a result of insufficient thinking.”


“It’s so hard to press on if I was reading bible alone. Joining QT100 and reading in a group are a good driver to help me persist on. The guiding questions help me to reflect and relate to my situation, so that I can make relevant changes. I feel that I made tremendous change in my attitude and way of thinking. The most important of all is the relationship with God getting closer.”


“I reflect more on God’s words and receive more reminders comparing to the past.”


“I will check every day if I have read bible. It’s a good habit.”


Be A Blessing 成为祝福

What God has in store for those who love Him is beyond measurable. Do you want to unlock this heavenly treasure and be the channel of blessings outpouring to people around you? Be part of us to extend this spiritual feast to many more brothers and sisters!

QT100 Daily Bible Reading and Devotion Guide - New Testament and Old Testament (Gen - Eth) (Job - Mal) are offered on donation basis. You can get copies for:

1. Yourself

2. Your brothers and sisters who have not started a habit of reading bible and having devotion regularly

3. Newly baptised or new converts

4. Your brothers and sisters as seasonal gifts


静思100系统灵修读经辅助 – 新约、旧约篇上(创-斯)及旧约下(伯-玛)以自由奉献方式提供。邀请您透过以下方法帮助自己或弟兄姐妹亲近神:

1. 自己拥有一本帮助灵修

2. 送给还没有固定读经灵修的弟兄姐妹

3. 作为新受浸或新信主的礼物

4. 送给神家里弟兄姐妹作为节日礼物


Running QT100 requires around SG$15,500 each year. Donate to support QT100 can be done by:

1. Fill out and submit the following donation form. Upon receiving the confirmation email, you may click on the request form link, fill out and submit for getting one copy.

2. Prepare crossed cheque pay to “Christian Communication Singapore” and fill out QT100 Daily Bible Reading and Devotion Guide Request Form. Then mail the cheque together with the form to 8 Burn Road, #09-15, Trivex, Singapore 369977.

*Churches may contact us via [email protected] for multiple copies of the book.

QT100 Daily Bible Reading and Devotion Guide Traditional Chinese version is also available on online bookshop.

- New Testament

- Old Testament (Gen - Eth)

- Old Testament (Job - Mal)


1. 填妥并提交以下奉献表格。收到确认电邮时,请按索取表格并填妥提交。

2. 预备画线支票支付给"Christian Communications Singapore",填妥索取《静思100》系统灵修读经辅助表格,并将支票和索取表格邮寄到8 Burn Road, #09-15, Trivex, Singapore 369977。

*需要多本书籍的教会可以直接通过 [email protected] 联系我们。


- 新约

- 旧约篇上(创-斯)

- 旧约篇下(伯-玛)

English (UK)