新加坡证主信条与使命 | Mission & Statement of Faith

使命 | Mission

新加坡福音证主协会是一个服事华人教会之基督教机构; 藉出版、傳播事工、信徒培训事工、中国福音事工及其他服务,辅助普世华人教会在基督里成长,在各处见证救主及拓展神的国度。

Christian Communications is a Christian organisation serving Chinese churches through publishing and media ministry, training ministry, China ministry, and other services, to assist the Chinese Church worldwide to grow in Christ, to witness for Him in all parts of the world, and to take part in the extension of God’s kingdom.

信条 | Statement of Faith

我们相信圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的上帝。我们相信上帝,至高全能的主,祂创造、启示、救赎,也施行最后的审判。我们相信圣经原出于上帝的默示,是完全可信靠的,是信仰和生活至高的权威。我们相信全人类自始祖堕落后,都具有罪性,都判定有罪,在上帝的震怒和诅咒之下。我们相信唯有籍着道成肉身的上帝的儿子 – 人唯一的代表及替代者 – 主耶稣基督的牺牲死亡,人类才可以蒙救赎,不再被定罪,脱离罪的刑罚、辖制、玷污。我们相信主耶稣基督从死人中身体复活,升天,做在父上帝的右边。我们相信圣灵的同在和能力,使人获得重生。我们相信罪人唯有凭着信心,籍着上帝的恩典,可以得称为义。我们相信得救的人籍着主耶稣基督蒙赐永生,不得救的人却要受永刑。我们相信圣灵在信徒的生命中居住,并使信徒达致圣洁。我们相信只有一个神圣的,普世性的教会,就是基督的身体。所有真信徒都属于这个教会。我们相信主耶稣必亲身再来。

We believe in one true God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; one God in three persons. We believe in God, the Most High and Almighty Lord, He creates, reveals, redeems and will dispense the final judgment. We believe the Bible is inspired by God, is completely reliable, and is the supreme authority of faith and life. We believe that since the fall of Adam, all men are sinful in nature and judged to be guilty, and are under the anger and curse of God. We believe only through the incarnate Son of God – man’s only representative and substitute – the sacrificial death of Lord Jesus Christ, that man are redeemed and are no longer under the condemnation, penalty, dominion and stain of sin. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. We believe in the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit, the giver of life. We believe that sinners are justified only by faith through the grace of God. We believe those who are saved are granted eternal life through Jesus Christ, and the unsaved will face eternal punishment. We believe that Holy Spirit resides in the lives of the believers and enables them for holy living. We believe in one holy and universal Church, which is the body of Christ. All true believers belong to this Church. We believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

事工 | Ministries of CCL & CCS




福音证主协会出版高素质的基督教书籍和教材,可到「证主网上书房」,浏览有关的证主产品。读者也可以借“得力阅读”来参与电子书安装、服务和选购。我们在本国也参与出版本地期刊《新桥》。《新桥》的内容谈及生活、文化和信仰,跟生活息息相关,由通悉本土文化和中华文化的资深撰稿人负责整理编辑。它帮助居住新加坡的华裔群体和拥有中华文化背景的新居民更好的融入本地社会,并把基督教信仰介绍给读者。另外,我们本身固有的通讯期刊 《证主通讯》则是报道我们例常事工和分享代祷事项,以便使更多的教会受装备,参与分享福音的使命。为了鼓励和提高信徒群体的阅读风气,我们于2015年初设立了“藏书转赠”站,盼望读者或基督群体可以把有益的旧藏书转赠予其他读者或他国的信徒群体和教会。

藉着资深专人和牧者导师的培训课程、专题讲座及圣地教导、培育教会领袖,帮助信徒在多变的时代坚守信仰,回应社会和教会的需要。从而帮助教会成长,成为神美好的见证。 目前,所举办的课程有《不知不觉谈到袮》 (Conversational Evangelism) 和亲子、基督教家庭教育等课程。我们也有举办例常的“逾越节餐”和“圣地讲座”,帮助信徒了解圣经的节期和应用等。另外,我们也举办“圣地”和“使徒脚踪之旅”的组团游学,以便深化信徒对圣经的了解和信念。有关我们最近所举办的教导课程、讲座和游学活动,可浏览我们的“活动”。

透过出版、培训、宣教及网络事工,协助中国教会成为坚强的宣教教会。针对中国教会的需要,提供属灵和物质上的协助,和建立宣教培训事工,让各地肢体彼此相顾,实行福音传遍中华的大使命。有关建立宣教资源,福音装备培训的事工和报道,可参阅我们的最近期刊《证主通讯》(CCS Newsletter)。

历史 | History of CCL Publications & CCS

证主 出版社 | CCL Publications

证主出版社 (CCL Publications Pte Ltd) 是「新加坡福音证主协会」的出版机构。证主出版社的主要职责是发行及出版文字事工及证主各事工所需的书籍、刊物、杂志、及电子等出版物。欢迎自荐或向我们推荐有助于教会成长的优秀作品。

CCL Publications Pte Ltd is the publishing arm of Christian Communications Singapore. Through CCL Publications’s distribution and publishing ministry, we address the Christian ministry’s need for books, journals, magazines and electronic publications. We welcome your recommendation of appropriate publications that can help the growth of the Church.


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【注:每日祷晚时间 Daily Evening Prayer: 5:15-6pm】

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