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40 Days of Love
Through this six-session small group Bible study, 40 Days of Love, pastor Rick Warren teaches you how to make authentically loving God and loving others the deepest desire, highest aspiration, and constant focus.
So what is your number one priority in life? Your answer to that question reveals your dominant life value. Everyone has one whether hey realize it or not. It’s what we unconsciously base our decisions on.
God tells us that our dominant life value is to be loved. Jesus once said that of all the commands in the Bible, two are most important: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
In this six-session study, Rick Warren shares practical, Christ-centered advice on how to authentically love God and love your neighbor as a normal way of life. With a focus on the spiritual truths of patience, kindness, truth, and forgiveness, you will learn to make love your dominant life value.
The Relationship Principles of Jesus
What would you give to radically improve, even transform, what matters most in your relationships? You can thrive in your career, acquire wealth, or build a great reputation. But if your relationships aren’t thriving, nothing else matters.
This 40-day journey will bring new depth and health to your marriage, your family, and your friendships. Saddleback Church teaching pastor Tom Holladay helps you explore and begin to practice six foundational principles including how to give your relationships the highest value, love as Jesus loves you, and communicate from the heart. You’ll be equipped with insights and a practical path for fulfilling God’s intention for all your relationships–even the difficult ones.
The Relationship Principles of Jesus walks you step by step through learning the foundational relationship truths taught by Jesus. Shaped after Rick Warren’s monumental bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life, this book invites you to learn from the Master of relationships.